Hello everyone, So finally we have been at the end of the project and I really enjoyed each and every part of it. So after unit testing the transform its time to write functional tests and integration tests or we can say the browser tests for our add-on. I have written the functional tests to ensure that the new add-on is imported and all the profiles are installed and the editor is using our new transform and not the old transform. So for that we have already implemented the registration of new add-on to replace it with old one and we also have to make tinyMCE uses our new transform. How to make tinyMCE uses our new transform in place of old transfrom ? So for understanding that we should have the idea how tinyMCE calls for the transform script. So it uses getToolByName in portal_transform to get the required transform. So tinyMCE search for safe_html in portal_transform and the old transform was named safe_html. So here we had two ways to proceed :- 1) Either change tinyMCE ...