Last time I was able to finish things up with registering and deregistering the add-on in the plone site, so that when ever I activate my add-on from the ZMI on plone instance, it registered the default profile of my add-on, also it register the browserlayer of the add-on. So this things goes well and also there were some issues related to the versions which have been solved lately. What's Next ? After the registration of add-on we need to create a view on plone site so that when ever we click on the add-on we can get some page and configure our add-on from plone site. There are default configuration for the transform script already there and we can customize the configuration. So for that we have to create a control panel for our add-on so that user can get a platform to customize the configuration. There were 2 ways to create a control panel :- 1) Either to overwrite the old cntrol panel of PortalTransform safe_html. 2) Or to create a separate control panel for our new ...