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Showing posts from June, 2015

Getting Control panel for the add-on

Last time I was able to finish things up with registering and deregistering the add-on in the plone site, so that when ever I activate my add-on from the ZMI on plone instance, it registered the default profile of my add-on, also it register the browserlayer of the add-on. So this things goes well and also there were some issues related to the versions which have been solved lately. What's Next ? After the registration of add-on we need to create a view on plone site so that when ever we click on the add-on we can get some page and configure our add-on from plone site. There are default configuration for the transform script already there and we can customize the configuration. So for that we have to create a control panel for our add-on so that user can get a platform to customize the configuration. There were 2 ways to create a control panel :- 1) Either to overwrite the old cntrol panel of PortalTransform safe_html. 2) Or to create a separate control panel for our new ...

New Releases at plone , releases my sweat !!

Hello everyone!!, in the blog I will share my experience that how things become terrifying if the new version of some product is released in plone. The main problem occurs when we have not pin up the products to the specific versions in the buildouts. Wow!! its a lot much at one shot. Don't worry we will understand each and everything. Lets start.. Plone uses buildouts to make a structure of its code. There are builduts.cfg (Configuration files) to set up plone projects. What is buildout ? Buildout is a Python-based build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts, some of which may be non-Python-based. It lets you create a buildout configuration and reproduce the same software later. So plone uses these buildouts for setups. I have also configured the buildout for my project and things were going great until there is new release for plone from plone 4.3.6(the previous plone version). Here is the snip...

Plone add-on setup with registering and deregistering the add-on

For my project, I have been working on an add-on package and for this first we have to setup that add-on package to start working on it. So we created an add-on package named experimental.safe_html_transform . We have to set the testing enviornment, Generic setup of profiles, setup for default and uninstall profiles, setting up browser layer, setting up filter control panel for the browser layer, generic setup for the filter control panel. So these are the few of the essential things that have to be configured for setting up add-on and are part of the project. We will discuss each and everything in the blog,how we setup these things and what are the things I have referred for setting up these things. So lets start... For setting up testing environment we have to add in the setting files so that we have create automated tests also robot tests for the add-on. Here is the code to be added in the extras_require={       ...